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Let's Make Some Honey

The first step to developing your marketing & brand strategy is to tell us about your business in an interactive and structured consultation that begins to mold the specific needs of your business, organization, or entrepreneurial journey to ascend to its pinnacle representation. Book your initial consult with us below where you will receive a 1-Hour Deep Dive into your current business or business plan and outline of a marketing strategy custom built to begin branding, storytelling and conversions:

Not quite ready to start your marketing strategy planning? Book a free discovery call and let us get to know you and your business model, goals and we will tell you a little about how the Hive may be able to serve you. 

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Phone: 281.685.4393


Bee Prepared

Send Link & Documents

Have you created a business canvas, financial projections or goals? Competitive analysis? Maybe a sample project that you want to share with your consultant? Email us (try to let us know 72 hours before your consult to give us time to review before the call). Click the link below:

Have an Elevator Pitch & Vision Ready to Share

A quick summary of your company can help build a marketing plan. We will begin the call with an elevator pitch, executive summary or vision of your business in its current state and what you see in the future.



Keep a List of Questions

Questions are bound to pop into your mind on the days leading up to your consult, we recommend keeping a running list of questions as they pop into your mind and keep them handy for the question/answer portion of the call.


WHat's UP?

Let us know how we can help you, any questions you need answers of just general inquiries.


Houston, TX  |  Tel: 281-685-4393

Thanks for submitting!

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